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「取之於社會、用之於社會」 對於生命,我總是相信施比受更有福氣。所以,對於幫助別人或慈善,我是義不容辭的,無論是小事一樁,還是大事一件,只要我有能力可以承擔,我總會盡力為有需要幫助的人出一份力。這也是我對於自己生命的看法和成功人生的宗旨。 「取之於社會、用之於社會」,這句話對企業來說,是代表企業的成功,光靠自身努力是不夠的,還需社會大眾的認同和支持。我也希望能利用企業的利潤來幫助社會上有需要人士,是履行社會責任所必須的。 In my life, I always believe that it is more blessed to give than to receive. No matters a trifle or major matter, helping others or charity will be my pleasure to involve in, as long as I afford to bear. I always try to help people who need a force. This is my view of life and it also the purpose of successful life. "Taken from the community, giving back to society." This statement will represent how successful a company would be.This is because we can’t only rely on own efforts, but we also need the community's recognition and support. Social responsibility is necessary to provide help who those needed. |